Monokai Pro
Beautiful functionality for professional developers
A color scheme for focusing
Monokai Pro is a color scheme, user interface theme and icon pack for code editors. It has been designed with beautiful functionality in mind. Carefully selected shades of color are the foundation of an uncompromising, non-distractive user interface.
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Monokai Pro is available for Sublime Text and Visual Studio Code editors. It comes with predefined syntax highlighting colors. The single goal of Monokai Pro is to let you focus on your code.
Beautiful and functional colors
The iconic Monokai color scheme, created by Wimer Hazenberg in 2006, quickly rose to fame in the coding world. Shortly after its release, Sublime Text embraced Monokai as its default theme, and it didn’t take long for developers everywhere to follow suit.
Today, Monokai is the go-to choice for syntax highlighting across virtually every code editor. Millions of developers rely on its distinct, vibrant colors every single day to bring their code to life.
The pro version, created by the same author, is a modern interpretation of the classic color palette. The updated colors are carefully calibrated to be both functional and aesthetically pleasing.
Dark and Light color theme
Colors are tricky to get right — there’s no formula that can guarantee perfect harmony. One reason is that our perception of lightness is hard to describe mathematically, making palette design more of an art than a science.
After careful calibration, Monokai Pro comes in a dark and light theme. The dark theme is perfect for long coding sessions, while the light theme is excellent in bright environments.
export default class MonokaiPro {
constructor() {
this.theme = 'Monokai Pro';
this.numIcons = 70;
// set color scheme, UI, icon pack
setTheme(theme) {
this.theme = theme;
console.log(`theme: ${theme}`)
export default class MonokaiPro {
constructor() {
this.theme = 'Monokai Pro Light';
this.numIcons = 70;
// set color scheme, UI, icon pack
setTheme(theme) {
this.theme = theme;
console.log(`theme: ${theme}`)
In addition to the dark and light variations, Monokai Pro comes with a set of color filters to match your mood.
Pixel-perfect file icons
The Monokai Pro icons are designed from the ground up to be instantly recognizable, even in small sizes on the sidebar, making it easy to navigate your projects.
Crafted with pixel-perfect precision, these icons strike the perfect balance of detail for maximum clarity. With over 70+ monochrome and color icons, you’ll have seamless support for today’s most popular languages.
…and loads more
Perfect focus, zero distractions
When you’re in the flow, you want to keep it that way. That’s where Monokai Pro shines. Every hue has a purpose — bringing clarity to your code without pulling attention away from your work.
It’s not just about the aesthetics — it’s about optimizing your workflow. With nothing to pull your focus, you can stay fully immersed in what matters most — your code.